Tune and listen to ‘long plays’ during the 11 o’clock hour of The Nightside with Andy O’…these special extensive compositions needed a deeper listen.

Carta de Amor is a reminder of how a particular point in time, when the pan-cultural and cross-genre interests of three artists from vastly different backgrounds and musical upbringings, could come together in rare synchronicity

Mágico: Carta de Amor is a musical treasure trove that features three players from three continents working in near-symbiotic dialogue, offering music that showcases compositional and improvisational mastery, yet transcends the limitations of genre classification. It’s an impassioned and fiercely improvisational collection of variations on powerful themes by all three, touching on Haden’s Liberation Music Orchestra repertoire and Garbarek’s free-jazz history.

Jan Garbarek, Egberto Gismonti and Charlie Haden comprise Magico.

We will take a deep dive into their second album on Long Play during the last hour of The Nightside, Sunday, March 6, from 8 pm to midnight.

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