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Ellie Caulkins Opera House

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14th Street at Curtis Street
Denver, CO 80204 United States
303-468-2030 https://www.denvercenter.org/plan-your-visit/theatres-seating/the-ellie-caulkins-opera-house/

Denver Brass: All You Need Is Brass! -Canadian Brass Meets Denver Brass

October 20 @ 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Ellie Caulkins Opera House 14th Street at Curtis Street
Denver, CO 80204 United States

There are few things in life that are truly needed: nutrients, love and belonging, a place to call our own, and BRASS. Canadian Brass is headed south for the fall to join The Denver Brass on stage at the Ellie Caulkins Opera House. TICKETS

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