Discover: Fortunato


Fortunato plays Chick with special guest Victor Mestas

When the guitarist is away, the band members will play! Join us for a special evening with amazing pianist, Victor Mestas. Alexios is away on a world tour with Hans…


This performance, live on the Dazzle stage, will also be live streamed.tunato World jazz group Fortunato has been makings waves in the front range music scene since their inception 3…

Anthony Salvo Live Stream

Hello All! In response to the Covid epidemic which has changed so much of our lives, Fortunato had planned an evening of music for you all to watch and listen…

Studio Club: Fortunato

World jazz group Fotunato has been makings waves in the front range music scene since their inception 2 years ago at a house concert in Nederland. Their dynamic musicianship and…

Studio Club: Fortunato

World jazz group Fortunato is performing LIVE in KUVO's Phyllis A. Greer Studio on Tuesday, February 25 from 11 to noon. Fotunato has been makings waves in the front range…

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